Kelkar's Health Solutions



KHS offers a range of programs & treatments for a variety of health problems as well as for positive health gain. We have a sound track record of successfully treating and completely curing people of various diseases, disorders, and ailments, be it acute problems or chronic diseases or complications like conceiving cancer to COVID-19.

Obesity / Over-Weight

Irregular eating habits, lack of physical activity, lowered metabolic rate, reduced demand for calories, and hormonal imbalance due to irregularities in lifestyle result (culminate) in to accumulation of fat inside the body which then leads to weight gain.

At KHS, we offer a systematic health improvement program that results in sustained weight loss, fat reduction, and positive health gain.

Diabetes / Endocrinol Diseases

Diabetes is a commonplace health issue, especially in modern urban populations due to irregular lifestyle, heavy food intake, work-life imbalance, and lack of physical activity.
A proven program at KHS, tailored for Diabetics as well as pre-diabetics, provides for systematic reduction in blood glucose level and improvement of other parameters, finally resulting in permanent cure from the disease.

Gynecological and Women Health Issues

Women at different stages of life encounter drastic physical, psychological, and hormonal changes, leading to a variety of health issues Many women-specific problems are also related to their reproductive system. These include menses-related difficulties (like irregular menses, clots during menses, cysts, PCOD, PCOS, Dysmenorrhea, etc), sudden weight gain/loss, challenges in conceiving naturally, menopause-related hormonal troubles, post-menopausal issues, etc.
Nature Cure treatments help a great deal in managing these problems. At KHS we have a team of women counselors and trainers, supported by experienced gynecologists. We offer problem-specific programs with treatment modalities and health counseling, tuned to person-specific needs to mitigate and overcome these issues.

Hypertension / cardiovascular Issue

Work and/or family pressures coupled with an irregular lifestyle can lead to cardiovascular troubles.
We offer a specific program that combines progressive exercises, specialized hydrotherapy modalities, yoga & pranayama, and health counselling; for sustained health recovery at physical and psychological levels, which ultimately results in normalization of the blood pressure and other parameters.

Digestive and Bowel Disorders

A variety of digestive disorders ranging from simple indigestion to constipation to severe irritable bowel continue to hamper the health. KHS program focused on food habits, sleep, and exercise can just work wonders to recover completely from this irritating health issue.

Skin Diseases

Skin is one of the main excretory organs of the body, a fact that’s easily overlooked in general. Most skin diseases are the outcome of poorly functioning detoxification systems within the body. With proper dietary reforms, exercise, and Nature Cure modalities the reduction and recovery from problems can be achieved, leading to normalcy of the skin quality.

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